Celebrate 50 Years of National History Day

Since 1974, National History Day® (NHD) has been inspiring students to study history, learn about the past, and make connections to their own lives and times. Today, National History Day reaches over 500,000 students every year who conduct historical research to discover the past, understand the present, and be the future. Tens of thousands of teachers expand their history knowledge – and NHD’s workshops, webinars, and professional development opportunities help them develop their teaching skills. 

Join our 50 for 50 capital campaign

It’s time to power the next 50 years of National History Day’s impact. Will you contribute today to improve the teaching and learning of history?

Want to continue the celebration?

Here are some other ways you can help power the next 50 years of NHD.

50th Anniversary Honorary Committee

Carla Hayden

Librarian of Congress

Doris Kearns Goodwin

Pulitzer Prize-winning Presidential Historian

Douglas Brinkley

Professor of History at Rice University

Elizabeth Cobbs

Professor of American History at Texas A&M University

Heather Cox Richardson

Professor of History at Boston College

Imani Perry

Professor of Women’s Studies and African American Studies at Harvard University

Jake Tapper

CNN Chief Washington Correspondent

Jonathan Capehart

Pulitzer Prize-Winning Journalist

Judy Woodruff

PBS NewsHour Senior Correspondent

Ken Burns

Documentary Filmmaker

Lonnie Bunch

Secretary of the Smithsonian

Martin Sheen

Golden Globe Award-Winning Actor

Stacy Schiff

Pulitzer Prize-Winning Biography Writer

Stanley Nelson

Documentary Filmmaker

Walter Isaacson

Professor of History at Tulane University

Wolf Blitzer

CNN News Anchor

Judge & Volunteer Challenge Donors

In May 2024, we issued a challenge to our National History Day judges and volunteers to help us raise $10,000 for our 50th Anniversary. A longtime friend of NHD offered to match $10,000 of donations from judges and volunteers. We surpassed our goal – raising $14,768 – totaling $24,768! In honor of this fundraising achievement, the 2024 National Contest paper category awards were named in honor of NHD’s judges and volunteers.

Thank you to the NHD judges and volunteers who donated to this fundraising challenge:

Alexandra Nowicki
Amy Ackerberg-Hastings
Amy Boehning
Amy Kaminski
Ann Dorminy
Anna Sullivan
Anne Edwards
Arthur LaRue
August Price
Barbara Tellman
Caleb Zerbe
Catherine Dluzak
Christine Fisher
Claudia Shanaman
Cynthia & Max E. Mostoller
Dani Pfaff
Danna Bell
David Grindle
Diane Walker
Diane Wilshere
Dongli Huang
Ed Glassman
Edward Kopf
Elif Yavas
Elizabeth A. Christians
Elizabeth Lindsay
Elizabeth Roycroft
Emily Guskin
Eowyn Ellison
Erica Vatella
Frederick Augustyn
Gita Morris
Grady Wilkinson
Harper Quale
Heather McClenahan
Hillary Burchuk
Hrishi Chauhan
Jack Lewis
Jacob Soriano
Jeffrey Gregg
Jennifer Levasseur
Jeylene Lugo
Jo Ann Williford
Joan Ruddiman
Jody Georgeson
John Sowizral
John Wood
Joseph Parys
Joshua Monash
Joyce Wessel
Judith Barnes
Julie Hull
Julie Nash
Julie U. McCullough
Junseung Park
Justice Plummer
Kenneth W Richter Jr.
Kevin A. Wagner
Kevin Shirley
Kristen Waterman
Lain Hart
Laura Anderson
Laurie McCarthy
LaVonne Guerrero-Meno
Leo Hung
Linda A. Ries
Lori A. Lisowski
Lynn Chaves
Marc Rothenberg
Margaret A. Hogan
Maria Grippo
Marie Parys
Mark Greek
Mark Smith
Mary McGown
Matthew Baynes
Matthew Costello
McKay Baxendale
Meera Shyam
Meirah Eidelman
Michael Asbery
Michelle Balliett
Michelle Walker
Nara Martinez
Noa Kim-Cohen
Norma Birkemeier
Otto KesterWeiner
Paul O’Neil
Rachel Hicks
Rebecca A Bowman
Rebecca Kerr
Regina Melchiorre
Renee J. McClendon
Riva Linga
Robert Townsend
Robyn Gausman-Burnett
Sharmila Bhatia
Sofia Marshall
Stefanie Mathew
Susan Glaser
Thomas F. Soapes
Valorie Philips
Virginia Ethier
Wendy Harris
Westin Lutey
Yueing Sarah Wang
Yvonne Roux
Zachary Schrag