91 posts found.

Race and the Enemy: Comparing German and Japanese Depictions in U.S. War Propaganda

In this video, Dr. Christopher Hamner discusses the key distinctions between how U.S. World War II propaganda depicted the Germans and how it depicted the Japanese. 

Planning for War: The Logistics of Sending Combat Troops into Battle

In this video, Dr. Christopher Hamner explains how sending combat troops into battle during World War II required significant planning, and how documents from the war can tell us a …

Decision: The U.S. Government’s Promise to the Families of the Fallen

In this video, Dr. Christopher Hamner explains the complex system that the U.S. government established after World War II for determining which family member would decide a fallen soldier’s place …

D-Day in Documents: Comparing Eisenhower’s “In Case of Failure Memo” to “The Order of the Day”

In this video, Dr. Christopher Hamner compares two historic docments written by General Dwight Eisenhower in the lead-up to D-Day.

Comparing Cemeteries: How Nations Remember their Fallen Service Members After World War II

In this video, Dr. Christopher Hamner explains the challenges that the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany faced and the choices they made concerning how to bury fallen soldiers …

African American Experiences: Sowing the Seeds of Change During World War II

In this video, Dr. Christopher Hamner explores the role of African Americans in World War II and discusses how their experiences during the war sowed the seeds of change after …

Ask an NEH Expert: Writing and Editing

Join NEH Experts to learn more about writing and editing strategies for NHD students.

Ask an NEH Expert: Validating Sources

Join NEH Experts to learn more about the importance of seeking validating sources in historical research.

Ask an NEH Expert: Building an Argument

Join NEH Experts to learn more about strategies to build a historical argument.

Ask an NEH Expert: Multiple Perspectives

Join NEH Experts to learn more about the importance of seeking multiple perspectives in historical research.

Ask an NEH Expert: Historical Significance

Join NEH Experts to learn more about drawing conclusions in historical research.

Performing Perspectives: Harmful Stereotypes

Learn about harmful stereotypes and how to avoid them when crafting historical performances.

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