Ja’Corie Maxwell

NHD 2007-2022

Where do you currently live?
Muskogee, Oklahoma

What is your current occupation?
Earth Science teacher

What school did you attend while participating in NHD?
Muskogee High School in Muskogee, Oklahoma

What college did you attend?
I received a Bachelor of Science in Science Education

Who were your teachers?
Diane Walker and Diane Hill

What years and in what category did you participate in NHD?
“2007 Individual Exhibit
2008 Individual Exhibit
2009 Individual Paper
2010 Group Exhibit
2011 Individual Paper
2012 Group Exhibit “

What are a few of your favorite or defining moments from your NHD experience?
Bringing history alive made it more relevant to me.

How did NHD help you after high school?
History day made me more comfortable talking to people who I may not know about things that I did know. It’s definitely a great skill to have now that I’m a teacher.

What recognition did you receive for participating in NHD?
I placed at the regional contest in 4 different years and at once at the state contest.

Did you do anything with your NHD project or research after the contest year?
Unfortunately, no.

What has kept you busy since your days as an NHD student? Any particular challenges, stories, or achievements?
I studied Earth Science and got my bachelors degree. I have also worked with a few groups of students on developing History Day projects at Tahlequah Middle School. I also judged at the regional contest from 2013-2016 at Northeastern State University. My newest challenge, however, is helping my current students develop science projects that are just as interesting and eye catching as the History Day projects I’ve seen over the years.

Is there anything else that you would like to share about your NHD experience?
It was one of my highlights of my high school journey.