National History Day is excited to announce three opportunities for teachers to engage with National History Day’s virtual professional development in the 2024/2025 academic year. The first is Researching Silent Heroes and the second is Teaching African American History. The third is the return of NHD’s Historical Argumentation Webinar Series. Teachers will have options to receive professional development hours or graduate extension credits. Teachers may apply to these opportunities using the form below. When teachers apply, they will rank their choices. Please do not list a course you do not want to take. Teachers are eligible to take one of the three courses this year. If you have questions, please contact
Applications for these programs will close at noon ET on Friday, October 18, 2024. Selected teachers will be notified on or before Friday, November 1, 2024.
Researching Silent Heroes
Apply for an opportunity to learn how to research and create a profile for a Silent Hero®, an individual who served the United States. These men and women died during wartime and are buried or memorialized in an American military cemetery cared for by the American Battle Monuments Commission. Sixty teachers will be selected for the program, broken into four cohorts (studying service members from World War I, World War II, the Korean War, or the Vietnam War). Participants will create profiles for these individuals that will be published on the National History Day® Silent Heroes website. This program features four live webinar programs (tentatively scheduled at 7 pm ET / 4 pm PT on December 9, January 6, February 3, and March 3) and support to research and create a profile for publication.
Open to: Teachers or librarians in grades 4-12. 60 spots are available.
Dates: November 4, 2024 – April 28, 2025
Credit: Teachers may earn 90 professional development hours OR three graduate extension credits at no cost.
This program is sponsored by a generous grant from the American Battle Monuments Commission.
Teaching African American History
Apply for an opportunity to learn from leading historians and educators to explore the latest historical scholarship and pedagogy to teach African American history. This course will feature resources from the first volume of NHD’s Moving Freedom Forward series, “Because of the Color of Our Skin”: 400 Years of African American History (coming in October 2024). This program features four live webinar programs (tentatively scheduled at 7 pm ET / 4 pm PT on January 7, February 4, March 4, and April 8) and support to develop materials for classroom use.
Open to: Teachers or librarians in grades 4-12. 120 spots are available.
Dates: December 2, 2024 – April 16, 2025
Credit: Teachers may earn 90 professional development hours at no cost. Teachers may opt to receive three graduate extension credits for $260.00.
This program is sponsored by a generous grant from the 400 Years of African American History Commission and the Bezos Family Foundation.

Historical Argumentation Webinar Series
Returning by popular demand, this series helps teachers construct a historical argument using the vast resources of the Library of Congress. Teachers learn how to identify and analyze sources from the Library, access its resources, and use their primary documents to build a historical argument. This program features four live webinar programs (tentatively scheduled at 7 pm ET / 4 pm PT on January 9, February 6, and March 6, and March 27) and support to research and create an argumentation plan tied to the 2025 Rights & Responsibilities in History theme.
Open to: Teachers or librarians in grades 4-12. 60 spots are available.
Dates: December 2, 2024 – April 16, 2025
Credit: Teachers may earn 90 professional development hours OR three graduate extension credits at no cost.
This program is sponsored through a grant from the Teaching with Primary Sources program at the Library of Congress.