11 posts found.

Using Library of Congress Resources to Build a Historical Argument, Webinar 3: Argumentation and Evidence

This webinar is the third in our Historical Argumentation Webinar Series. This webinar focuses on historical argumentation and evidence. This program is sponsored by the Library of Congress. This program …

Using Library of Congress Resources to Build a Historical Argument – Webinar 2: Historical Analysis

This webinar is the second in our Historical Argumentation Webinar Series. This webinar focuses on developing historical analysis skills. This program is sponsored by the Library of Congress. This program …

Using Library of Congress Resources to Build a Historical Argument – Webinar 1: Historical Thinking

The first in our Historical Argumentation Webinar Series, this webinar focuses on developing historical thinking skills. This program is sponsored by the Library of Congress. This program was live on …

Organizing an Argument

Using resources from the Library of Congress, learn how to apply historical thinking skills and help make these skills visible to students. This webinar focuses on how to organize and …

Argumentation and Evidence

Using resources from the Library of Congress, learn how to apply historical thinking skills and help make these skills visible to students. This webinar focuses on how to organize evidence …

National History Day Teachers Engage in Webinar Series Using Library of Congress Resources to Develop a Historical Argument

October 25, 2023

Finding, Analyzing, and Constructing History: A Research Guide for Students

Using Library of Congress Resources

Learn how to use the tools provided by the Library of Congress for your NHD project.

Smart Searching the Library of Congress

Watch this video to learn how to search the Library of Congress.


Guide to Student Research and Historical Argumentation

Finding Primary Sources in Secondary Sources

Watch this video to learn how to trace back and find primary sources from secondary sources.

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