304 posts found.

“Help! I’m a New NHD Teacher!” Part 3 (Topic Selection and Research)

In this video, Virginia affiliate Coordinator Sam Florer discusses how to help students select topics and begin researching.

“Help! I’m a New NHD Teacher!” Part 4 (Essential Project Elemens)

In this video, Virginia affiliate Coordinator Sam Florer discusses the key elements of the five NHD project categories.

“Help! I’m a New NHD Teacher!” Part 5 (Contest)

In this video, Virginia affiliate Coordinator Sam Florer discusses what to expect at an NHD contest.

NHD Student Glossary

Every field of study has its own vocabulary. The key terms in the NHD Contest Rule Book and evaluation rubrics reflect the language used by historians.

What is a Veteran?

A Secret Language: American Indian Code Talkers

A Walk to Remember to Never Forget

Honoring the Fallen at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery

Remembering, Understanding, and Honoring at Washington Crossing

Stories in Stone: Using Headstones in the Raleigh National Cemetery to Understand Veterans’ Sacrifices

“The Bivouac of the Dead”: Images from the Togus National Cemetery

The Gettysburg Address and Personal Responsibility

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