304 posts found.

Lesson Module Two: Migration and Movement

Lesson Module Three: Reframing the Narrative

2025 Young People’s Continental Congress

National History Day Announces Educator Learning Opportunities for 2024/2025

National History Day is excited to announce three opportunities for teachers to engage with National History Day’s virtual professional development in the 2024/2025 academic year. The first is Researching Silent …

Revolutionary Ideals: The Age of Constitutionalism

In this fourth webinar from NHD’s new Revolutionary Ideals Webinar Series, Dr. Mary Sarah Bilder explores the idea of constitutionalism in the early American Republic. This webinar was live on …

Liberty for Who? Democracy and Race-Based Slavery in the Early American Republic

In this third webinar from NHD’s new Revolutionary Ideals Webinar Series, Dr. Christy Clark-Pujara explores concepts of liberty and freedom as they related race-based slavery in the early American Republic. …

Revolutionary Ideals and North Carolina’s Regulator Rebellion

In this second webinar from NHD’s new Revolutionary Ideals Webinar Series, Dr. Abby Chandler explores North Carolina’s Regulator Rebellion as a new way to consider the idea of loyalists and …

“In the Eye of Foreign Nations” Empire, Trade, and the World that Inspired the Declaration

In this first webinar from NHD’s new Revolutionary Ideals Webinar Series, Dr. Brendan Gillis places the Declaration of Independence into historical and global context. This webinar was live on Tuesday, …

Organizing an Argument

Using resources from the Library of Congress, learn how to apply historical thinking skills and help make these skills visible to students. This webinar focuses on how to organize and …


Building a More Perfect Union, Part II

Documentary Project Example 4: Wade in the Water: How African Americans Got Back Into the Pool

Documentary Project Example 3: “¡Sί Se Puede!” How the United Farm Workers Grape Boycott Broke Barriers for Social Movements

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