304 posts found.

Exhibit Evaluation Form

Use the Exhibit Evaluation form to understand how your project entry will be judged and evaluate your work before submitting it.

How to Create a Historical Exhibit Workbook

How to Create a Historical Exhibit Workbook

Paper Project Checklist

Complete the Paper Project Checklist to successfully create and submit your NHD entry.

Paper Evaluation Form

Use the Paper Evaluation form to understand how your project entry will be judged and evaluate your work before submitting it.

How to Create a Historical Paper Workbook

How to Create a Historical Paper Workbook

Womens march on White House 1962

Paper Project Example 1: Women Strike for Peace

Dust bowl image of cabin and sand dune

Paper Project Example 2: Soil Conservation Service

Video image of Caroline Chisholm

Performance Project Example 1: Caroline Chisholm

Performance Project Example 2: Debate over the Bill of Rights

Website Project Example 1: Communication Through Cartoons

The Atomic Bomb: Luis Alvarez’s Letter to his Son from Aboard the Artiste

In this video, Dr. Christopher Hamner explores how the atomic bomb ended World War II, ushering in a new era in world history.

Why They Fight: Analyzing How the Military Motivates Soldiers to Go into Combat

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