260 posts found.

Exploring the Impact of U.S. Immigration Policy in the Twentieth Century

The Long Path Toward LGBTQ+ Rights

Building a More Inclusive Electorate: The Voter Education Project 1966–1977

An Incomplete Revolution

Principles of the Constitution: Inventing “We the People”

Opportunity for Indiana Teachers (June 2024)

Argumentation and Evidence

Using resources from the Library of Congress, learn how to apply historical thinking skills and help make these skills visible to students. This webinar focuses on how to organize evidence …

National History Day Teachers Engage in Webinar Series Using Library of Congress Resources to Develop a Historical Argument

October 25, 2023

Historical Thinking Skills – Part 2

Using resources from the Library of Congress, learn how to apply historical thinking skills and help make these skills visible to students. This webinar was live on Wednesday, October 18, …

Building a More Perfect Union

Join four NHD master teachers as they explore topics from the 2021 Building a More Perfect Union teacher sourcebook. At the end of each segment, the group will brainstorm topic …

2024 NHD Theme Introduction

Join the NHD Team to consider the ways to explore the 2024 Turning Points in History theme. This workshop was sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Turning Points in the Colored Conventions Project

Join Denise Burgher and Janel Moore-Almond from the Colored Conventions Project to learn how to use these newly digitized resources and consider the Turning Points in History 2024 NHD theme. …

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Judges needed

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